February 25, 2016

Full Disclosure

Fundraising can be tricky and even sometimes controversial. We have really thought and prayed long and hard about how to finance this adoption. Once we get past these first couple of steps we can begin applying for adoption loans and grants. But there are payments to be made before we can start those applications. We are so very thankful for all of the donations we've received so far.

We want to be transparent in our fundraising efforts so that you all know that we are spending this money wisely and solely on adoption expenses. It is being set aside in a separate account from our own personal accounts - in a totally different bank. Our PayPal is linked to this special account.

Now that I've said all of this, those of you that know us may already know that we will be taking a trip to New York soon. In the interest of full disclosure* we want you all to know that we are actually sponsoring and chaperoning a (heavily discounted) school field trip that was planned and paid for before we even made the decision to adopt. None of the money raised in our puzzle piece fundraiser or otherwise will be used for our "vacation" (in quotes because in reality we'll be chaperoning a bunch of middle schoolers. lol).

*Every time I type or say the words "Full Disclosure" I have to sing it a la The Addams Family Musical.

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