March 14, 2016

Mid-March Update

So much going on around our nest!

  • We made almost $400 at our Yard Sale. We had quite a bit of stuff left over so we're thinking about having a 2nd yard sale this Saturday. We are still accepting donations.
  • The Mary Kay fundraiser has begun. We get to keep 40% of sales to go towards our adoption expenses.
  • The Tupperware fundraiser event begins 3/20, but you can order now. We get to keep 40% of those sales as well.
  • The Perfectly Posh fundraiser and a couple of others are coming soon.
  • We will continue the puzzle piece fundraiser throughout the whole process.
  • We have our next meeting with our social worker on April 7. At this meeting we will need to turn in all of our "homework" (which we are on track to complete next week! yay!)
  • Once the home study is complete (or at least being finalized) we can go ahead and become "active" - which means we are eligible to be matched with a baby!!! So exciting! More about the matching process soon...
  • We're still working on our next goal of $3500. This is our fee to become "active." All money that we make from puzzle pieces, yard sales, and online fundraisers is going toward this goal.

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