June 5, 2016

Early June Update

Well, June is starting off with good news and bad news...

The Good News:
  • I got a part-time summer job. It's actually at my regular job (I don't normally work during the summer) and I start June 13. Yay for more money to bless this nest! Hubby has been doing odd jobs to earn extra money as well.
  • We made $50 from our wreath auction. We've also had a few other donations come in. Thank you to everyone that has helped.
  • We have 3 fundraisers planned for this month (a yard sale, a portrait fundraiser, and pampered chef). More about these on facebook.
  • We're doing a bit of "nesting" - gathering a few baby items, researching, etc. Hopefully starting on the nursery soon...
  • and the BEST news of all.... I can't give any details yet, but we have a ***possible*** match! I need to stress that it is just a possibility and of course nothing is certain. But we are praying hard for the Lord's will over this baby! Would you please pray with us? 

And now for The Bad News:
  • We need to make $2000 this month. Yikes.

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