September 30, 2016


We've been praying over this announcement for weeks, and now we're happy to say that Baby Jacks is due to arrive in December! We have soooo much still to do but we are overjoyed at the idea of a Christmas baby. Thank you so much to everyone that has helped us reach this point.

Of course, we must keep in mind that there are many variables in play with an adoption. Fingers crossed that all will go according to plan. We are blessed beyond measure by the selfless decision Expectant Mama is making to choose us to parent her baby. Please join us in prayer for her as this must be a difficult process for her.

September 1, 2016

Hello September

Hello September! I have a feeling it will be quite an eventful month. 

My mom has a BIG birthday coming up, and to celebrate she's taking the whole family on a cruise to the Bahamas! So exciting! I am so thankful for my precious mama and I don't know what I'd do without her support. 

We're really praying that September will be the month of our official match. Please continue to pray with us for Expectant Mama and her unborn baby. Still hoping to be able to give y'all more info soon!

*As in our Full Disclosure post, we want to remain completely transparent. My generous parents have paid for this cruise for our family and none of our money is spent on vacations during our fundraising efforts. Every extra cent we have goes toward adoption expenses.

Scripture Memory #17